My Debut Novel
This page is dedicated to my novel, Pink Society - The Northport Case, and how it came to life.
I find this to be a great way to share facts and be close to the readers so you can understand the context of my latest work, as well you may be free to ask anything you want, book related.
Emily Smith
"I can't believe this guy is in the same University as me! Grrrr," said Emily, handing money to the cashier.
"Fion… nula Flanagannnn," mumbled Fiona, still with her eyes closed and her body swaying slightly.
Patrick Smith
"Crack on, Em! You're goin' to be late — again! "

How did it all start.
Well, I must tell you I always wished to write a book, but I never really thought my wish would come true until the COVID-19 pandemic hit us all. During that time, the events industry was literally dead, and I had much free time in hand. So I started tossing words into a Word file, and slowly and with no plan like pantser, I started bringing my story to life.
How was the process?
It wasn't easy. Writing a book is a very lonely process. Obviously, I only understood that later as I went on.
In the beginning, I thought I would receive much help from my close ones, but soon I understood that I couldn't expect others to have the same interest in this project as I did. So I put my hands on and worked harder than ever to bring this project to life.

But now, really, how did I accomplish to finish it?
I am a creature of habits and I like to set goals.
Therefore I created a work pattern around my goal, and I tried to fulfill my duty daily with much persistence.
It took me around four months to write the book. I had a target of 1000 words a day. Not all the days I managed to write it. But I knew I had to compensate the next day when I didn't.
The trick is to believe in yourself and give space for failure, knowing that tomorrow will be a better day.
Advice for people who aim to write a book one day.
It's all about believing in yourself, even when others don't. And by others, I mean the ones you love the most: your partner, parents, close family, and friends. You can accomplish your dreams even when no one seems to believe in you and in your potential.
You cannot doubt yourself.
Anyone can make anything come to life. You just have to be willing to do everything for it.